A hysteroscopy is an examination of the inside of your womb (uterus) using a telescope called a hysteroscope. This may be either a flexible instrument about the thickness of a pencil or a rigid version that is thinner still (3mm in diameter). In both cases, the hysteroscope is carefully passed through the vagina and cervix, and into the womb.
A hysteroscopy is useful for finding out what is causing your symptoms, or as a check-up for certain gynaecological conditions.
During the procedure the doctor may take a biopsy - a small sample of tissue - for examination in the laboratory. It is also possible to remove polyps, small lumps of tissue that can grow from the womb lining.
It is most often performed as a day case, with no overnight stay.A hysteroscopy can be performed under a local anaesthetic, with an injection into the cervix, especially if no treatment is planned (a diagnostic hysterscopy). In other cases, you will have a general anaesthetic. This means you will be asleep throughout the procedure.